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How To Select The Right Gift For Your Man On Valentines Day

Getting a gift for men could be a tough task for women. Unlike men who have a thousand gift ideas to choose from for a woman, choosing the right gift for your man could be difficult.

You can decide to get just any random gift, but is it a good idea? Is it the perfect gift? Are you sure he will love and appreciate it? Deciding what to get for a man usually involves finding out what his hobbies are or knowing what helps him work, play, relax and study.

Below are tips to guide you when getting a gift for your man:

  1. Party type

Does he like to party? Buy him a VIP ticket to an event you are 100% sure he would enjoy.

  1. Sports fan

If he is a sports fan, you can get him the latest jersey of his club or item related to the sport he loves so much.

  1. Music

If your man loves music and you know the particular artist he loves to listen to, get him a ticket to the concert of his favorite artiste.

  1. Books

A book on a topic he is interested in is a good choice, especially if he likes to read. Be careful not to buy a book he already has on his shelf

  1. His wishes

Don’t hesitate to ask what his wishes are. If you want to surprise him, then be attentive. Take note of what he is always talking about and figure out the things he currently wishes to have.

  1. Lifestyle

Consider the man’s general lifestyle. Is he a sports fan? Is he a workaholic, student, survivalist, fitness/ health enthusiast, and so on? Choosing the category he belongs to will determine what kind of gifts you should get him.

  1. Age

Think about his age and social financial status. Don’t buy a gift meant for a 20-year-old man for a 40-year-old man.

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  1. Budget

Consider your budget when buying a gift for your man. Also, think about how much would be appropriate to spend on a gift based on the kind of relationship you have. Some men might feel uncomfortable receiving a gift worth so much from a casual acquaintance.

  1. The kind of man he is

If he’s an activist, whether political, environmental, or social, consider a subscription to a newsletter or website run by an activist group. Or try giving him a receipt for a donation in his name to a charity you know he supports. This will make him know you care.

  1. Egoistic man

If your man is an egoist, try something with his name engraved on it. Trust me, he will cherish it for the rest of his life.





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